It is with great sadness that we must announce the closure of Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, effective immediately Read More


Self-isolating tips from people who have done it before

Categories: coronavirus | mental health | support

Self-isolation and social distancing were terms many of us couldn’t define a few weeks ago, now they’re our way of life– a ‘new normal’. Staying in and avoiding other people is the best thing we can do to slow down the spread of Covid-19, but for many people getting used to it is really tough....

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We don’t have all the answers

Categories: coronavirus | support | mental health

Your world might have changed, but we haven’t. In this series, we talk about the impact coronavirus might have on your life and how to manage it.

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What can we learn about cervical screening from the most remote place in the UK?

Categories: cervical screening

Iona Stoddart leads our West of Scotland team and she recently went on a cervical screening tour of the Western Isles. She’s shared the insights this unique part of the world gave her about access to cervical screening. 

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Living with lymphoedema

Categories: cervical cancer

Lymphoedema can affect people in different ways. In this blog, Nicola shares her experience. Nicola was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2008 when she was 27. In May, she had a hysterectomy and all her pelvic lymph nodes removed.

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World Cancer Day: “It just means so much to know you’re not alone”

Categories: cervical cancer | support | mental health

Today is World Cancer Day. This year, we’ve decided to talk about the importance of friendships, talking and support. 

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Why we need to ditch the STI label around HPV

Categories: cervical cancer prevention week | HPV

How would you react if you were told you had HPV? Would you be afraid? Upset? Or simply a bit unsure of what it meant? 

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Confused by the headlines this week?

Categories: cervical cancer | cervical cancer prevention week

Can cervical cancer be eliminated? Are we close? Or are we actually seeing increases in diagnoses?

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Cervical Cancer Prevention Week - We know it isn't always easy

Categories: cervical cancer prevention week | cervical cancer

If you’ve been diagnosed with cervical cancer, hearing that you have or have had a cancer that can be prevented can be difficult.

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Why the Women’s Institute are focusing on cervical screening

Categories: cervical screening | cervical cancer prevention week

In June this year, the WI launched 5 Minutes that Matter - a national campaign to raise awareness of the importance of

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Spotlight on: Roberta Turnbull, Jo's Volunteer

Categories: cervical cancer | 20th anniversary

I was diagnosed with cervical cancer not long after Jo Maxwell passed away.

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