It is with great sadness that we must announce the closure of Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, effective immediately Read More


"Jade Goody saved my life"

Categories: cervical screening

Hayley Prince is a focused care practitioner in the NHS from Stockport. She was 32 when she was diagnosed with cervical cancer.

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Jade Goody's legacy, 10 years on

Categories: cervical screening

The ‘Jade Goody effect’ undoubtedly increased the understanding of cervical cancer and screening but, ten years on, it’s clear we still have a long way to go. 

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We’re sharing a couple of fundraising love stories…

Categories: cervical cancer | Fundraising

Today is Valentine’s Day where we show how much we love our significant others or friends. We aim to support everyone who is affected by cervical cancer, including the important people in their lives. We’ve been lucky enough to speak to a couple of men who have been through what may be the most...

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Let’s talk about… smear tests for under-25s

Categories: cervical screening

Today in parliament, MPs debate the age at which the cervical screening (a smear test) programme begins. The debate is taking place because of a petition which was created by Natasha Sale and gathered over 160,000 signatures.

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Let’s talk about…accessing smear tests when you have a physical disability

Categories: cervical screening | let's talk

Smear tests can be difficult for a variety of reasons, but some women can face additional barriers to getting tested. This includes women with a range of physical disabilities such as muscular dystrophy or multiple sclerosis.

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"Not many of us relish the prospect of having our smear test" MP Paula Sherriff talks smear tests

Categories: cervical screening

Let’s be honest ladies, not many of us relish the prospect of having our smear test, it’s one of those burdensome things that comes with

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Looking after your mental health after your cancer treatment finishes

Categories: cervical cancer

What a rollercoaster of emotions it’s been so far. You were given your cervical cancer diagnosis, attended numerous scans and consultations before finally being given treatment. Once treatment finishes, people sometimes assume that they will just ‘move on’ with their lives.

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Behind the headlines: Cervical screening failure

Categories: cervical screening

Kate Sanger, Head of Communications and Public Affairs at Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, wrote this blog for The Eve Appeal about the recent cervical screening failure news.

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London to Paris cycle: It went from “I can’t do this” to “I can’t believe WE did this”

Categories: Fundraising

Last month, our Fundraising Officer Sophie took on the epic challenge of cycling from London to Paris over three days with 150 other amazing women, all who were taking to their bikes in the name of fundraising. Here she shares her experience. 

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Early Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Categories: cervical cancer

Jessica was prescribed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in October 2017. We spoke to Jessica and Debby Holloway, a Gynaecology nurse consultant from Guys and St Thomas’ hospital, about early onset menopause caused by cervical cancer treatment, and the potential benefits of going on HRT.

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