It is with great sadness that we must announce the closure of Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, effective immediately Read More


Back to school: How can we tackle misinformation about the HPV vaccine?

Categories: HPV | hpv vaccine

It’s back-to-school time and that means thousands of children, both boys and girls (perhaps your own children) may be offered the HPV vaccine at school. You may have seen that the vaccine has been hitting the news recently and you probably have lots of questions about it.

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Let’s talk about… why sensitivity matters

Categories: cervical screening | let's talk

Ahead of the third and final part of the new Jade Goody documentary on Channel 4, we’re discussing the sorts of conversations it will inspire, and how we can make sure they are as positive as possible.

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Let's talk to access smear tests if you have a physical disability

Categories: cervical screening | let's talk

We’ve released a new report today highlighting a barrier to cervical screening which is frankly disgraceful: physical disability.

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“The Salons Supporting Screening community will open up conversations and this is what I am most excited about"

Categories: cervical screening | Fundraising

In 2016, I was a full-time police officer. I’m also a mum and at the same time was setting up my own business: a hair and beauty salon which I opened in the March. Needless to say, life was very hectic!

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"What does it all mean?!” – We answer your most common cervical cell change questions

Categories: cervical cell changes | cervical screening

At Jo’s, we receive calls to our Helpline every single day from women who have had a cervical screening or colposcopy result they weren’t expecting.

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Why cell changes?

Categories: cell changes | cervical screening

This week is Cervical Screening Awareness Week and we’re talking about cell changes.

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"The goal was always, from day one, that no one else's mum dies"

Categories: cervical cancer

June 2019 marks 20 years of Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust and is the start of our anniversary year. ‘Jo’s Trust’ as it was first known, was founded by James Maxwell in 1999 after his wife, Jo passed away from cervical cancer.

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The cervical screening programme has discouraged LGBT people from attending in the past. But things are beginning to change.

Categories: cervical screening | LGBT

I guess everyone has familiar thoughts which come to mind when one is en route to a cervical screening appointment.

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"Why we're running the London Marathon for Jo's"

Categories: Fundraising

This weekend over 40,000 runners will take on the London Marathon 2019, including a fantastic team running for Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust!

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The HPV vaccine might have prevented my cervical cancer

Categories: HPV | hpv vaccine

"After the story came out, which showed that the rate of cervical abnormalities in young women in Scotland has gone down by 90%, I talked about it to every single patient who came into my practice. I wanted to shout about it from the rooftops!"

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