It is with great sadness that we must announce the closure of Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, effective immediately Read More


Left lateral position – a better option for patients?

Categories: cervical screening | professionals

Bridgette Love has been a practice nurse for 24 years and is passionate about offering the best possible experience to her patients. In this blog, she explains the benefits of offering an alternative cervical screening position and shares the preferences of her patients.

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Let's talk about... smear tests when you have a tilted cervix

Categories: cervical screening | let's talk about it

If you have a tilted cervix, cervical screening can sometimes be more uncomfortable for you. This might make you feel anxious or nervous before your next appointment.

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Tips for communicating to patients about cervical screening

Categories: cervical screening | coronavirus

We know many people find cervical screening a difficult test, and COVID-19 has made it more challenging for some. We have developed some tips to help you communicate with and support your patients through cervical screening at the moment.

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Smear tests after a hysterectomy: what is a vault smear?

Categories: cervical cancer

Laura had cervical cancer in 2016, when she was 29. She had a hysterectomy to remove the cancer.

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Our new cervical screening information for trans men and/or non-binary people with a cervix

Categories: cervical screening | LGBT

Accessing cervical screening can be difficult for many people. This can be exacerbated for trans men and/or non-binary people with a cervix who face many barriers to accessing routine cervical screening, as well as discrimination because of their gender identity.

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Impact of COVID-19 on cervical screening

Categories: cervical screening | coronavirus

To further our work in understanding the impact of COVID-19 on cervical screening, we conducted an online survey of 2,000 women aged 25-64 living in England and spoke to an additional 22 through one to one interviews and focus groups. Carried out during June and July 2020, we asked those taking...

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Tips for people starting cervical cancer treatment, from people who have finished theirs

Categories: cervical cancer

Treatment for cervical cancer depends on lots of things including the stage of the cancer, potential side effects, and the general health and preferences of the person affected. Going through treatment can be really difficult.

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Our smear test stories: the Jo's team share their experiences

Categories: cervical screening

Everyone's experience of cervical screening (smear tests) is different and the Jo's team are no exception! We spend our working days talking about smear tests, creating information, sharing the facts and supporting people with concerns. However, this doesn't mean we all find the test easy.

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What does cancer treatment look like right now? A view from a CNS

Categories: cervical cancer | coronavirus

At the Christie Hospital in Manchester, staff tried to keep things as normal as possible for their patients when the

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Bleeding after a smear test: is it normal and why does it happen?

Categories: cervical screening

If you experience bleeding after your cervical screening (smear test), we know that it can be alarming, especially if it’s your first test.

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