It is with great sadness that we must announce the closure of Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, effective immediately Read More


It's our birthday! 20 years of Jo's in 20 facts

Categories: 20th anniversary   Read more

What to expect when going for cervical screening

Categories: cervical screening | coronavirus

One common question we are asked is what to expect when going for cervical screening at the moment. We’ve spoken with Jenny, Debra and Tracey who are all nurses about what their GP practice is doing, to give you an idea of the measures that you could see and help you to prepare any questions....

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Making your mind up about screening when things are difficult

Categories: cervical screening | coronavirus

Our Helpliner, Hannah, shares some of the common conversations she’s having with people right now and some of the guidance she shares with callers. This is part of our “How it works now” series, aiming to help you navigate how our healthcare system works at the moment.

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What's it like to have a colposcopy during the coronavirus crisis?

Categories: coronavirus | colposcopy | lletz | cell changes

This is part of our “How it works now” series, aiming to help you navigate how our healthcare system works at the moment.

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How can physiotherapy help your recovery from cervical cancer? 

Categories: cervical cancer | mental health | intimacy

Lisa Williams is a physiotherapist from Belfast. In this blog, she talks about the often hidden challenges facing women recovering from cervical cancer and its treatments, and what physios can do to help.

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What it's like working at Jo’s during coronavirus

Categories: Fundraising | Policy | support

It’s a tricky time to be a charity. We’re facing an anticipated income loss of over 60% and have had to furlough over half of our amazing colleagues to make sure we can continue to deliver our key frontline services. It’s a tricky time but we’re as committed as ever! Below some of our staff...

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Coping with anxiety

Categories: cervical cancer | cervical screening | mental health | colposcopy | HPV | cell changes

Diane is a therapist and registered member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. In this blog, she explains what anxiety is and how you can manage it, as well as demonstrating some grounding techniques. 


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Can I still contact my GP during the coronavirus crisis if I'm having symptoms?

Categories: cervical cancer | coronavirus “What do I do right now if I’m having symptoms? Can I still see my GP? Am I wasting their time?”

A lot has changed due to the coronavirus crisis, but some things stay the same - this includes your GP’s role. They’re your first point of contact for anything that is concerning you.

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Spotlight on: Ted Tugwell

Categories: Fundraising | cervical cancer | 20th anniversary

During our 20th year, we’ve been speaking to people who have been supporting us over the years. Ted Tugwell has been fundraising for Jo’s for over six years with the goal of raising £200,000 after his wife sadly passed away from cervical cancer.

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We are right beside you

Categories: coronavirus | support

I am addressing this to everyone working in our NHS, in public health, in social care. Whether you work in a laboratory, general practice, a hospital or are supporting any aspect of our health and care system in your home - I want to thank you and say the team at Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust are...

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