It is with great sadness that we must announce the closure of Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, effective immediately Read More


Dating and HPV

Categories: HPV | relationships | cervical screening | case study | dating

“In 2015 I went for my first cervical screening. It was a bit uncomfortable, but the result showed everything to be clear. Things changed when I went for my second in 2018. My results letter said HPV positive with moderate cell changes. 

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Reconnecting after painful sex

Categories: sex | relationships | cervical cancer | partner

Cervical cancer touches the lives of countless women around the world. Intimacy is a cornerstone of human connection, but for many of those living with or beyond cervical cancer, the experience can be affected by a distressing and often taboo issue — painful sex. 

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Behind the Headlines - HPV primary screening in Northern Ireland

Categories: cervical screening | HPV | colposcopy | primary screening | Northern Ireland What’s changed? Read more

NHS England pledge to end cervical cancer by 2040

Categories: cervical cancer | HPV | nhs

This week, NHS England has pledged to eliminate cervical cancer by 2040. We are really excited about the news as the pledge includes plans to improve access to online booking for vaccination appointments nationally and support for healthcare professionals to reach those most at risk.

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Behind the headlines: the GCIG INTERLACE trial

Categories: Research | advanced cervical cancer | cervical cancer | treatment | support

This week, researchers revealed exciting results from the GCIG INTERLACE clinical trial, showing that a new way of using existing cancer drugs could mean more effective treatment options for cervical cancer. 

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Tips for screening after a traumatic birth

Categories: childbirth; pregnancy; cervical screening;

If you have experienced a traumatic birth and are feeling worried about going for your next cervical screening, here are some suggestions to help and details of where you can get further support:

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Let’s talk about...cervical screening uptake and inequalities in Scotland

Categories: Scotland; Cervical Screening;

Each year in Scotland, there are 323 diagnoses of cervical cancer and sadly 95 deaths.

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Fundraising for Jo's: Every little helps

Categories: Chief Executive; fundraising; Cervical Screening Awareness Week; Step's for Jo's; ‘Head torch?’ - check.  ‘Spare laces?’ - check.  ‘She Wee?' - check.  Read more

Finished treatment: what now?

Categories: cervical cancer; treatment; support; What are the emotional impacts of finishing treatment?

We often hear from our community that they feel a mixture of different emotions after they finish treatment for cervical cancer, and one of these is loneliness. This can come as a surprise to many but feeling this way is normal.

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Delays to your cervical screening results?

Categories: cervical screening; results

Recently we have spoken to several women who are concerned about the time it is taking for their cervical screening (smear test) results to come through or who are facing delays for follow up tests. This can understandably be worrying and if you are experiencing this, you might be feeling...

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