It is with great sadness that we must announce the closure of Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, effective immediately Read More


We need to normalise HPV

Categories: cervical cancer | HPV

Laura, was diagnosed with Stage 1a1 cervical cancer in 2016 aged 29. She shares her experience of being told she had high-risk HPV.

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Delays in smear test results: Why and what to do if you're affected

Categories: cervical screening

The cervical screening (smear test) programme is changing.

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Let’s talk about… cervical screening and FGM

Categories: cervical screening | let's talk

Please be aware that this blog contains content that may be distressing to read.

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Let’s talk about it…smear tests for lesbian, gay and bisexual women

Categories: cervical screening | let's talk

This blog was originally written for the LGBT Foundation

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Let’s talk about it…difficulty accessing a cervical screening appointment

Categories: cervical screening | let's talk

There are many reasons which can make attending smear tests difficult. Things such as fear, embarrassment, anxiety and a previous bad experience can all mean even taking the first step to book an appointment can be hard.

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Support Group closures

Categories: cervical cancer | support

A Jo’s survey in 2008 overwhelmingly showed that 98% women with cervical cancer wanted more person to person support and that their preferred choice of services were a 

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Let’s Talk about it…having a bad experience at a smear test

Categories: cervical screening | let's talk

If you have had a bad experience at a smear test, it can understandably have a negative impact on how you feel about going for a test in the future.

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Let’s talk about it… anxiety and cervical screening

Categories: cervical screening | let's talk

While smear tests are not always easy, for many women they’re over in a few minutes and they can continue with their day, knowing that the job’s been ticked off. 

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It's about giving your head and body time to re-connect: Sex and intimacy after cervical cancer

Categories: cervical cancer | support

To be able to enjoy sex and intimacy, lots of things need to work together.

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Let’s talk about it… sometimes cervical screenings are painful

Categories: cervical screening | let's talk

For a lot of people, it’s a five minute appointment that may be slightly uncomfortable and embarrassing, but is over and done with quickly. But for others, smear tests aren’t just uncomfortable – they hurt and some women find them extremely painful.

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