It is with great sadness that we must announce the closure of Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, effective immediately Read More


Lynnette on running a marathon for Jo's

In December 2011 I underwent treatment for severe abnormalities of the cervix following a cervical screening test. Luckily the abnormalities were caught before they turned cancerous. But the fear I felt lead to a subsequent passion to raise awareness of cervical cancer and funds for Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust.

"I decided to run the 2012 Virgin London Marathon for Jo's"

My initial reaction on diagnosis was not to tell anyone, not even my parents or husband but the more I talked the more women opened up about either having a similar experience or admitting to having not had a smear for years! And of course the more people engaged with my campaign the more they donated!

I decided to run the 2012 Virgin London Marathon for Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust. I never questioned whether I could finish the marathon but I did question whether I could raise the money required. It’s been amazing to see that with passion and determination and by being a bit creative and organised you can achieve anything!

"The day I finished the marathon was extremely emotional"

The reaction from the community was amazing. We organised two big fundraising events. The first was a mothering Sunday tea party in the local village hall. We even contacted the local paper who wrote a story about me and promoted the event and my fundraising page. It was a huge success. I then held a cabaret night which included a female comedienne, a pole dancer and a burlesque dancer.

The day I finished the marathon was extremely emotional. It was a great experience and one that I’d recommend to anyone. I’ve now smashed my target raising £3,400 to date and aiming to reach my £4,000 goal this year.

If you'd like to fundraise for Jo's, find inspiration here >

"Jo's provided me that outlet to vent, digest and wallow when needed"
Read Josie's story
Last Updated: 
19 Feb 2013