It is with great sadness that we must announce the closure of Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, effective immediately Read More


One Cancer Voice letter to The Rt Hon Dr Thérèse Coffey MP

Posted on: Wednesday, 21st September 2022 by

Jo's are a proud member of the One Cancer Voice group of over 50 cancer charities. We share a collective aim and bring experience across the awareness, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and recovery from all cancer types and patient groups, including adults, children and young people. 

Today, we have sent a letter to Dr Thérèse Coffey MP, the new Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Health and Social Care asking her to set out a clear date for the publication of the much anticipated 10-Year Cancer Plan in England.

Categories: Policy Cancer

Our call to action on health inequalities

Posted on: Wednesday, 13th July 2022 by

The UK Government will soon be publishing a ‘Health Disparities White Paper’ setting out policies and plans to reduce inequalities in health outcomes, and to support more people to live longer and healthier lives.1

Ahead of the publication of this new paper, Jo’s has joined with 47 other charities and organisations, to call on the government to be bold in its ambition and provide much-needed investment to tackle health inequalities. 

Categories: Policy

"We need women’s voices and experiences to be centred and amplified": our response to the Women's Health Strategy consultation

Posted on: Friday, 23rd July 2021 by

The Department of Health and Social Care recently held a consultation period, seeking the views of individuals and organisations to help inform the development of the government’s Women’s Health Strategy. We were really pleased to submit a 10-page response, sharing our expertise and the experiences of our community.  

Categories: Policy

What it's like working at Jo’s during coronavirus

Posted on: Wednesday, 29th April 2020 by

It’s a tricky time to be a charity. We’re facing an anticipated income loss of over 60% and have had to furlough over half of our amazing colleagues to make sure we can continue to deliver our key frontline services. It’s a tricky time but we’re as committed as ever! Below some of our staff share what it’s like to be working at Jo’s at the moment:

Categories: Fundraising Policy support

Behind the headlines: What is HPV testing all about?

Posted on: Friday, 11th August 2017 by

Our Reaction To The National Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2016

Posted on: Friday, 28th July 2017 by

Last Friday the results of the annual National Cancer Patient Experience Survey were released. We are delighted to see that the vast majority of feedback from cancer patients is very positive and when asked to rate their care on a scale of 1 to 10 the average was 8.7 which is high.

The HPV Vaccine – my thoughts on the JCVI’s announcement on extending it to boys

Posted on: Friday, 21st July 2017 by

Help us reach the day where no woman dies from cervical cancer: Our manifesto for the General Election 2017.

Posted on: Wednesday, 10th May 2017 by

As a charity we are focused on the day that no woman dies from cervical cancer. We know that day can come and we want to get there as soon as we can, so that no woman has to face a life threatening cervical diagnosis, no woman has to endure invasive treatment, no woman has to suffer from the long term physical and psychological effects of treatment. 

While we work towards this day, we know that many woman are not receiving the support, information and care that they need. This is not acceptable.

Every Woman Should Have The Best Care Possible

Posted on: Thursday, 6th October 2016 by