It is with great sadness that we must announce the closure of Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, effective immediately Read More

Pioneering national Helpline to launch

Mon, 17/01/2011 - 00:00

A pioneering national helpline is being launched by Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust.

The helpline is the first of its kind for anyone in the country affected by a disease which kills around three UK women every day and sees one woman every three hours being diagnosed and facing an uncertain future.

The helpline opens at the start of Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (23-29 January 2011) and is being staffed by a country-wide group of volunteers who have all had experience of cervical abnormalities or cervical cancer, personally or as health professionals, and who have been trained by Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, the only UK charity dedicated to women and those close to them affected by cervical abnormalities and cervical cancer.

Robert Music, Director of Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, said, “This is the first helpline of its kind, solely dedicated to anyone in the UK affected by cervical abnormalities or cervical cancer, that’s the women themselves or anyone concerned for them.

“A major survey of women using our service showed 90% felt they would have benefited from calling a helpline so we are delighted to be responding to that need.

“The charity is here to offer reliable information, support and signposting and the helpline will enable us to provide a vital listening ear on a wide range of topics, from concerns about screening results right through to treatment for cervical cancer, recovery or palliative care.”

Every day around 3 women will die from cervical cancer with another 8 being newly diagnosed and more than 800 women are told they have a cervical abnormality that could require treatment.

The Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust national helpline launches on 23 January. Call 0808 802 8000. For more information visit /

1. Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust – is the UK’s only dedicated cervical cancer charity offering support and information for those affected by cervical cancer and cervical abnormalities.
2. Around 3 women in the UK die each day from cervical cancer, with someone being diagnosed every 3 hours, facing an uncertain future. Over 300,000 women a year are told they may have a cervical abnormality that could require treatment.
3. It is estimated that the UK Cervical Screening Programmes save 5,000 lives every year.
4. Cervical cancer is predominantly caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which can be caught as soon as you start having intimate relationships
5. If HPV vaccination take up continues to reach at least 80% it is believed this could result in a 2/3rds reduction in incidence in women under 30 by 2025
6. The set up costs for the helpline have been funded by The British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology(BSCCP)