It is with great sadness that we must announce the closure of Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, effective immediately Read More


Website linking policy

If you would like Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust to link to your website, please use this checklist to see if your request is likely to meet our criteria:

  • The website is relevant for people affected by human papillomavirus (HPV), cervical cell changes (abnormal cells), cervical cancer, or those eligible for cervical screening.
  • The website is relevant for a UK audience. 
  • The website includes information or other resources that are free to access.
  • The website has a quality-assurance process for producing any health information.
  • The website is evidence-based, unbiased and reflects a person’s right to an informed choice.
  • The website is regularly reviewed and content is up to date.
  • The website does not require registration to view basic content.
  • The website makes a clear distinction between normal editorial content and any advertising. 

To submit a link for consideration, please email explaining where you would like us to link from and to, and why this would benefit our users.

While we only link to websites we feel will benefit our users, we are not responsible for the content of those sites. Any links we include to an external website are not an endorsement of that site, its content, or any product or service it may provide. 

Removing a link from our website

If you would like us to remove a link to your website from the Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust website, please email us at

Further information

If you are looking to repurpose our content, please read our editorial policy >

If you are looking for more on how we produce our information, we have a page on how we write our content >

If you have further questions about our website or content, please contact


Date last updated: 
09 Oct 2019