It is with great sadness that we must announce the closure of Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, effective immediately Read More




This Christmas join our #IGiveMy campaign! We're asking you, our amazing supporters to donate the cost of something you are saving this Christmas to Jo’s. 

By donating to Jo's this Christmas, you can help us support the thousands of people who need us over the holidays and bring us one step closer to a world without cervical cancer.  

How to get involved

We have made getting involved really easy! All you have to do is:

#IGiveMy how to get involved

  • £5 (a pack of Christmas Cards) - means another woman can join our Forum 
  • £10 (A bottle of mulled wine) - funds a response through our Ask the Expert service
  • £16 (Your Christmas lattes each day for a week) - means we can answer a call on our Helpline
  • £50 (Your work Christmas meal and drinks) - funds our Ask the Expert service for a whole day
  • £130 (Your New Years Eve party) - can fund a shift for a Helpline volunteer

Join the campaign on JustGiving. You can donate, see what others have chosen to give and see how much we’ve raised so far! We’ll also post updates about what your support is helping us to do.

In this video Tom and Ali, two of the children of Jo Maxwell (our namesake) and some of our supporters share their reasons for donating.

Share your #IGiveMy

It doesn’t stop there! Once you’ve donated, help inspire other people to join. Share a post on your social media to tell your friends and family what you’re donating and why.

Use our graphic below or snap your own picture and share your  #IGiveMy - don't forget to tag us too! 

Can’t donate right now? Don’t worry! You can still help by encouraging others to take part or if you’re one of our fantastic volunteers, you could use #IGiveMy to share the time or expertise you give us!

We need your support

We want to make cervical cancer a disease of the past and don't want coronavirus to stop us doing that.


Donate now