It is with great sadness that we must announce the closure of Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, effective immediately Read More


Payroll giving

Payroll Giving is easy and simple. You pay less to give more.  

Payroll giving lets us plan our work more effectively to help women and their families affected by cervical cancer and cell changes. With your support we have a flexible and reliable income we can always count on. 

"I donate to Jo’s every month, for all the women out that who are going through the same uncertainty I did, in the hope that they will always have a place to go to, to get the information and support they need."

 - Fay

Payroll Giving donations are deducted from your wages before the tax is taken so you can support more women going through a cervical cancer diagnosis.

Your Donation

It costs a standard rate tax payer (20%)

It costs a higher rate tax payer (40%)










Scotland has slightly different tax rates so please do check the HMRC website if you are a resident in Scotland.

  • £5 can fund the cost of someone to join our forum to receive essential support from our online community.
  • £10 can fund the cost of an information pack to be printed, packed and posted allowing our information to be free and accessible to everyone. 
  • £21 can fund the cost of a call to our helpline, providing a lifeline to many and a chance to talk to a fully trained volunteer.

How does it work?

Please contact Sophie from our fundraising team on to enquire about setting up your Payroll giving scheme.

What if my employer doesn’t offer Payroll Giving? 

Payroll giving is a simple way for a company to boost their charitable giving and support a charity that that is close to their hearts. Your employer can find out more information on the Payroll Giving website.

How much should I give?

You can give however much you'd like; it's entirely up to you. Every penny is appreciated and will help us to work towards the day where cervical cancer is a disease of the past.

What if my circumstances change?

You can change the amount you give or stop donating at any time. If you move job and want to continue supporting our work please get in touch on


Date last updated: 
08 Mar 2019