It is with great sadness that we must announce the closure of Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, effective immediately Read More

Laura Flaherty

Smear tests after a hysterectomy: what is a vault smear?

Posted on: Wednesday, 7th October 2020 by

Laura had cervical cancer in 2016, when she was 29. She had a hysterectomy to remove the cancer. Four years on from the operation and being given the all-clear, Laura has check-ups which are informally known as ‘vault smears’. Laura told us: 

Categories: cervical cancer

We need to normalise HPV

Posted on: Wednesday, 19th September 2018 by

Laura, was diagnosed with Stage 1a1 cervical cancer in 2016 aged 29. She shares her experience of being told she had high-risk HPV.

Categories: cervical cancer HPV